EYES training content is finally available online in multilanguage version
EYES (Enlarging Youth Entrepreneurial Spirits) is an international project co-financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme; the project is implemented and developed by six organisations from six countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Spain & Sweden) sharing the ultimate aim to support professionals in vocational training and integration in changing their teaching practices, to promote the development of a collective entrepreneurial culture and democratic values among young people.
In the previous months, partners gathered relevant experiences from other EU contexts so as to get a sense on “what works” and “what doesn’t” in the field of entrepreneurial teaching for young aspiring entrepreneurs (i.e. a benchmark of best innovative practices). On the basis of lessons learned & takeaways collected during this secondary assessment, the next step consisted in developing a methodological guide to help trainers in embracing smart, “lean” and interactive approaches of teaching – with specific focus on entrepreneurial and “business initiative” teaching.

To handle the design of the training programme and to set-up the expected learning outcomes (the so called “EYES REPOSITORY”), the Strategic Partnership relied on the EntreComp Framework, the official model promoted by the European Commission as a reference paradigm for teaching, coaching and educating on entrepreneurial competences.
To date, the EntreComp Framework is still the most valuable reference for entrepreneurial education, and it is conceived to be feasible and “exploitable” for all potential targets (Adult Learners as well as High Scholl students). Partners went through the Framework and made use of the 59 learning outcomes that are described on the intermediate / lower level of the model itself – in compliance with Level 3 of the EQF, the most appropriate to address EYES’ target group.
The finals result is represented by a compositum of e-learning materials for Entrepreneurship and Management in the form of “business challenge”, roleplays and case- scenario.
I total, there are 7 quests structured and designed as follows:
- Pop-Up Exhibitions and Space
- Running a Café
- The Grocery Basket
- The Social Marketer
- E-Commerce: A Modern Approach to Entrepreneurship
- Clean Up the beach and preserve the costal environment
- Sustainable Tourism Initiatives
Each scenario is further divided in sub-didactic units to facilitate the ease of use of the material and the provision of the training by teachers.
The sub-units are extremely user friendly with easy-to-understand notions and very practical exercises to stimulate learners’ mind and their managerial propensity. After a brief introduction to the considered topic, learners are invited to engage in simple task requiring a dose of critical, strategic and creative thinking to further immerse themselves in the role of entrepreneurs and business owners.
The tasks are followed by “Process” guidelines that can sustain learners in processing the information and strategic decision-making.
At conclusion, partners developed a sum-up section that provides for last-minute hints, recommendations and action lists. To facilitate the learning mechanisms, Partners attached to each sub-units a series of external supporting material such as short animations and clips, tutorials and other useful links.
All content is translated into the languages represent by the Consortium and it is available for free at: https://eyesmodules.eu/