EYES partners’ experience from the second training week of the project
Back in Nov 2021, the EYES consortium had the opportunity to held the second teaching, training and learning week planned during implementation of the project. Originally supposed to take place in Germany, the even has been rescheduled online so as to guarantee for the safety of all participants.
The event occurred in the course of three days.
Day 1 – Monday, Nov 22 During the first day, partners gathered together to greet and meet new participants taking part into the activities. After the formal welcome of VHS cham (host organisation), the coordinator re-introduced participants to the scale and scope of the project, formal objective of this event, results and deliverables achieved so far by partners, i.e., entrepreneurial scenarios from which target can take inspiration for their own sustainable idea of business. After a short coffee break, partners introduced very briefly themselves, their organisation and their role as project partners. A key roadmap has been represented by the EntreComp framework and learning outcomes associated to the model, this was intended to help participants in identifying who they are and what are their aspirations in a EntreComp interpretation. Before the formal conclusion of the first day, Elderberry presented in-depth the training material developed by the organisation on Pop Up exhibitions & Spaces and which potential opportunities of business come from this idea |
Day 2 – Tuesday, Nov 23 The second day followed a similar agenda with Infodef, RCCI and Elderberry introducing participant to three other training modules, respectively on: The Social Media Marketer, eCommerce and Clean un the beach & preserve the Costal Environment. Despite the differences in the actual content of the education material, it is also clear that the resources produced and shared by partners rely on a common social and sustainability principle that finds applications regardless of the underlie domain and topic. The comments from participants of these training modules fuelled the discussion with numerous contributions, food for thoughts, and further inputs on how these topics can represent the basis for sustainable and profitable business ideas… |
Day 3 – Wednesday, Nov 24 During the last of the training & learning event, partners introduced participants to the reaming education material, with particular focus on the extra-modules developed throughout the last months of project implementation. ESSEI kick-launched the last showcase with the presentation of Sustainable Tourism Initiatives, followed by VHS cham with Starting & Running a Café. The even took a short break which gave to Elderberry the opportunity to lecture partners on the concept of “intercultural” and its implication in market labour, business & management, and private sector. From there, responsible partners guided attendees through the three remaining training modules: The Personal Helper, Pop-up Restaurant, Basics of social entrepreneurship; so as to make sure to cover the entire education spectrum of the project. Before the formal conclusion, VHS cham wrapped-up key takeaways from these three days condensing gathering feedbacks and impressions from partners and external participants. All in all, people demonstrated great enthusiasm for the initiative with great appreciation for partners’ efforts and commitment. |
The EYES training programme and related material is available for free via the official Open Educational Resource Platform of the project: https://eyesmodules.eu/
All training and education material is targeted to both aspiring entrepreneurs as well as vocational education and training providers. In attachment, users can find numerous support material that will sustain their learning process.