EYES (Enlarging Youth Entrepreneurial Spirits) is an international project co-financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme; the project is implemented and developed by six organisations from six countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Spain & Sweden) sharing the ultimate aim to support professionals in vocational training and integration in changing their teaching practices, to promote the development of a collective entrepreneurial culture and democratic values among young people.
One of the key output of this project is represented by the so-defined Methodological Guide for Trainers, a formal repository available to the EU VET ecosystem at large of good practices, recommendations, DOs and DON’Ts stemming from the project to better help professional of entrepreneurial training in readapting their tools and techniques for business education.
The Methodological Guide compile all EYES training tools with detailed explanations of key delivery means to enhance the learning experience of students. In that sense, the Guide represent as well the digital legacy of the project with the intention to train-the-trainers on what are the most effective coaching means for aspiring young entrepreneurs as stemming from the EYES’ experience.
The Guide is integrated with practical recommendations for mentoring of young students collected by partners during implementation of the EYES’ piloting cycles, which involved +100 at international level across Europe.
The reliability and robustness of these guidelines benefits from the fact that they include
contributions from all partners, widening the potential implications the document might have for users and targets. Moreover, the Methodology embrace the implementation of the project as a whole, diversifying the scale of key takeaways users might extrapolate from it.
Core elements of the Methodology is most certainly represented by its usability and accessibility. In the view of partners, its content is designed to be as facilitating as possible of new, innovative and needs-based initiatives that might potentially operate in the same scope of the EYES project – regardless of the specific geographical context.
Along with trans-nationality and innovativeness, a key element of centralised funds’ projects is represented indeed by transferability. By compiling the Methodology, partners will give access to the general cohort of VET providers and practitioners to precious background insights into the project that otherwise would not be of public disclosure.
A detailed ratio of the project and the pathways that lead to EYES’ results and impacts are all included in the Methodology. With that, stakeholders and groups of interest orbiting around the entrepreneurial VET ecosystem will have at their full disposal all the elements they need to implement within their local context – or in international environments – EYES-like initiatives that in turn contributes to the long-term sustainability and multiplier effect of the project.
To know more about the project and available resources, please visit: www.eyes-project.eu