Call for papers

ESSEI provides a platform to publish research on different issues of European affairs and welcomes contributions from scholars, practitioners and experts. ESSEI accepts papers for publication on its website and for the most relevant contributions ESSEI grants a prize of up to 500 EUR. Contributions from young researchers are particularly welcomed.

There are no specific deadlines for contributions: abstracts can be submitted anytime and will be reviewed by ESSEI’s Editorial Board at specific cut-off dates, as follows:
– 28 June 2019
– 28 October 2019

The Editorial Board of ESSEI accepts submissions of papers on different topics on European affairs. The following themes are of particular interest:
1. Trends and drivers of growth in global economy
2. New scenarios of international social and cultural patterns
3. Jobs of the future
4. Technology and innovation: impact on socio-economic integration
5. Sharing economy: threats and opportunities
6. Circular economy and societal changes
7. Europe as a global player
8. An outsider’s glance of Europe: the perception of the European Union in other cultures
9. Multiculturalism within Europe
Please contact us at to submit your abstract or for more information.

Abstract should be submitted exclusively via email using the following address:

Abstract must be in British English, between 3.000 and 5.000 words and in PDF format

When submitting an abstract, please clearly state the field being addressed selecting from the above mentioned thematic areas.

Submissions that do not meet these requirements WILL NOT be considered.