
ESSEI asbl is an association established by a group of seasoned practitioners in the field of International Relations, European Affairs and Social Sciences.

ESSEI carries out research and analysis of socio-economic trends that influence the process of European integration, to ultimately facilitate it through information, awareness and capacity building activities. ESSEI hinges on a wide network of practitioners coming from academia, public and private sectors as well as associations that share the vision of an integrated Europe.

ESSEI inspires and shares knowledge on the various societal and economic facets of European integration:

– Organizing roundtables and brainstorming sessions on current trends that play a role on EU integration. Members of ESSEI asbl publish articles, policy memos and briefs as a result of those roundtables. Current working groups are dealing with issues relating to volunteering, mobility of students, researchers and academic staff as well as Transatlantic Agenda for social cooperation

– Sharing knowledge: ESSEI is meant as a platform for knowledge creation and sharing and publishes briefs and reports.  A key means for knowledge sharing is the dissemination and visibility activities that ESSEI asbl carries out in Brussels.

– Brokering Partnerships: ESSEI asbl serves also as a networking platform that brings together the Public, Private and Third sectors to facilitate and broker partnerships.

ESSEI asbl, thanks to the consolidated experience of its members, has the ability to carry out significant visibility and dissemination activities at EU level. Being based in Brussels, allows ESSEI to organise events and invite relevant EU stakeholders, policy makers, EU associations and social groups.