Completion of the BLOSSOM project

03 October 2022

On 30 September 2022, the BLOSSOM project finished. During the project, the two partners of the project (ESSEI and Katabba) organized a full capacity building course on the Erasmus programme (10 online meetings and didactic material), carried out two visits (one in July in Monforte San Giorgio and one in September in Brussels), elaborated a guide for small associations wishing to operate at European level and developed the internationalisation strategy of the Katabba association.

All the project results of the BLOSSOM project (project reference number 2021-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000034045) are available in the Erasmus results platform at this link

Visit of Katabba to Brussels

26 September 2022

On 23-27 September 2022, ESSEI hosted the representatives of Katabba cultural association in Brussels. During the final project meeting and closing training sessions, the two partners fine-tuned the two main project results of the BLOSSOM project (a guide for small associations wishing to operate at European level and the internationalisation strategy of the Katabba association).

The closing meeting was also the occasion to carry out a formative quality check analysis of the main results achieved during the project and the main challenges faced. ESSEI and Katabba finally discussed how to continue the collaboration after the conclusion of the BLOSSOM project.

Visit of ESSEI delegation to Katabba in Monforte San Giorgio (ME)

3 July 2022

On July 3, 2022, the ESSEI delegation was welcome by Katabba cultural association in Monforte San Giorgio. An official meeting was organized at the municipality of Monforte San Giorgio opened to the civil society. During the event, Giuseppe Cannistrà, major of Monforte San Giorgio (ME), stressed how the European Union funded projects improve the lives of European citizens.

The dissemination event was followed in the next days by meetings between ESSEI and Katabba to discuss the elaboration of the project results: the elaboration of a guide for small associations wishing to operate at European level and the internationalisation strategy of the Katabba association.

The project activities will culminate in the visit of the Katabba association representatives in Brussels at the end of September 2022.