S.O.S Creativity, Seniors online security for creativity held the first bimonthly call of the project

On June 17th 2021, Internet Web Solutions run the first bimonthly call of SOS Creativity, a 24-month Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission.

S.O.S. Creativity is designed to support the development of IT key competences for adults to let them exploit cultural offers and artistic contents available online, while boosting their level of consciousness toward the potentialities and the risks of the net such as phishing, fraud, fake news, invasion of privacy, defamation etc. that can arise while navigating free contents website or paying to subscribe to some cultural contents or even looking for books to be read online.

After the official greetings from the coordinators and some points regarding administrative issues, the shared agenda of the call included:

  • an update of the state-of-art of the OER Platform (https://www.soscreativity.eu)
  • the Intellectual Output 2 tasks made so far and future steps (Mapping of cultural resources and Baseline report and Self-Assessment Tool)
  • dissemination status and future Press Releases to be translated and shared in Institutional channels
  • discussion about next Transnational Project Meeting in September

This Erasmus+ project gives the opportunity to eight partners from Spain, France, the Republic of North Macedonia, Belgium, Poland, and Italy to develop free and user friendly deliverables to enable seniors to benefit from online cultural and artistic contents, resources and activities in total security being aware of the risks of navigating and downloading such resources.

Internet Web Solutions, the project coordinator together with the consortium showed a genuine enthusiasm in collaborating toghether in this project and for the tasks implemented so far.

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